Our Sherwood MomCo Meetup is a fun, safe space for moms to recharge and connect in an authentic Christian community.
Moms are notoriously brilliant at caring for others, but when we get tapped out, we often try to dig our own wells instead of drinking from the stream God has provided. But this is going to be a year where we practice receiving. This is the year of letting go of the belief that we must manage every detail and over-analyze every decision. Instead, we will be open to trusting that God will provide at the moment we most need it.
The Details
Who can attend?
Any mom who has a child from birth through high school. If your kids are grown, you can join us as a Mentor Mom!
Most 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, September through May, 6:30-8:00 pm. Our first meetup for Fall 2024 is September 10th at 6:30 pm.
We also have other meetups for coffee, playdates and other gatherings throughout the year!
We meet in the Fellowship Hall at Sherwood Community Friends Church, which is located at 23264 SW Main St, Sherwood, OR.
$75 for the year (September through May). This includes your MomCo Meetup membership, light refreshments, crafts, and an amazing community of moms for playdates and connecting.
Will childcare be included?
Because of the time of our meeting, we have found most moms make other arrangements due to end-of-day bedtime routines. Babies that are 12 months and younger that are nursing are welcome to join their mamas!
What if I cannot afford the cost?
We have scholarships available upon request. Please email lisa@sherwoodfriends.church for additional information.
My kids are grown up but I want to come too! Any option for me?
Yes! We are always looking for Mentor Moms to serve our moms by showing up in their lives. If you are interested, please register below!
If you have any questions, please contact our MomCo leadership team at lisa@sherwoodfriends.church.